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Pale Surgeonfish "Mata" Tang

Pale Surgeonfish "Mata" Tang

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🐠 Acanthurus mata

Regular price $179.99 USD
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A great Pale Surgeonfish "Mata" Tang!
Origin: Melanesia

Size info:
Size M: approx. 2.75 - 3.75"

There once was a fish called Mata,
A surgeonfish loved near and far,
With a palette so bright,
It dazzled our sight,
As it swam ‘neath the oceanic stars!

With a vibrant turquoise-blue hue,
Mata's colors would surely amuse,
Its sleek, trailing fin,
Brought waves of joy in,
Reflecting the ocean's grand views!

Oh, this tang's unique blade is sharp,
A surgeon with style, no remark,
It heals as it glides,
Through coral's divides,
Nature's doctor, leaving no mark!

Mata's habitat lies ‘midst the reefs,
Where it munches on algae leaf,
In symbiotic ties,
With cleaner fish allies,
It sparkles, a smile of relief!

So observe this majestic marine,
With HTML's wonders, unseen,
As we cherish and guard,
Our oceans, so far,
For Mata, a true golden sheen!

Keeping Acanthurus mata (Pale Surgeonfish "Mata" Tang) in an Aquarium

The Pale Surgeonfish, also known as the "Mata" Tang, is a stunning fish species that can make a great addition to a marine aquarium. Here are some important points to consider when keeping Acanthurus mata in an aquarium:


The Pale Surgeonfish has a unique and captivating appearance. It has a pale yellowish to greenish body color with a dark horizontal stripe running along its entire length. The dorsal, anal, and caudal fins are bright yellow, which creates a beautiful contrast against its body color.

Aquarium Size:

Due to its active nature and potential adult size, it is recommended to keep the Pale Surgeonfish in an aquarium with a minimum capacity of 75 gallons (284 liters). A larger tank will provide more swimming space and help reduce territorial aggression.

Water Parameters:

The ideal water temperature for Acanthurus mata is between 72°F and 78°F (22°C - 26°C). The pH level should be maintained between 8.1 and 8.4, while the specific gravity should range from 1.020 to 1.025. Regular water changes and a well-maintained filtration system are crucial for the health of these fish.


The Pale Surgeonfish is an herbivorous species and should be fed a varied diet consisting of high-quality marine-based seaweed, algae, and other plant matter. Supplementing their diet with quality pellet or flake food specifically formulated for herbivores is also recommended.


While the Pale Surgeonfish is generally peaceful, it is best to introduce it to an established aquarium with other peaceful fish species. They may exhibit aggression towards other surgeonfish or tangs, especially those of the same genus. Providing plenty of hiding spots and open swimming areas can help reduce territorial disputes.

Unique Features:

One of the coolest features of the Pale Surgeonfish is its ability to change coloration. When stressed or threatened, they can darken their body color to a deep brown or even almost black hue, which is a fascinating defense mechanism. Additionally, they possess sharp spines on either side of their tail, known as "scalpels," which they use for protection.

The Pale Surgeonfish "Mata" Tang is not only a visually appealing species but also an interesting addition to a well-maintained marine aquarium. With proper care, it can thrive and become a centerpiece in your underwater oasis.

Shipping & Returns

All livestock ordered between Monday and Sunday will ship out the following Tuesday or Wednesday. For example, livestock ordered between Monday the 1st and Sunday the 7th would ship out on Tuesday the 8th or Wednesday the 9th.

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All livestock is part of our Arrive Alive + 72 Hour Guarantee. We must be notified within 72 hours of any issues or we will be unable to process your claim.

Livestock can be fragile. If your animal does not meet our standards at the time your shipment is being packed, we will notify you and give you a credit toward another piece of livestock. Our goal is to provide you with the healthiest livestock possible, and we’ll do our best to ensure it gets to you safely. Cash refunds are not available for livestock, only credit toward other livestock.

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